
The Art of Precepting: Pearls for Enhancing the Experience of Medical Learners

October 19, 2023 from 11:00am ADT to 12:00pm ADT

Governor's Ballroom B

For both new and seasoned clinical educators, it is imperative that one continually evaluate their teaching style. Now more than ever, it is important that educators tailor their teaching to the students they are working with. Each student learns differently. As such, educators must be adaptable. It may be required to call upon different skills to assist the struggling student or engage learners that appear uninterested. In this session, participants will reflect on their prior learning experiences, identify potential pitfalls in common educational approaches and explore techniques to use in varying clinical scenarios.

At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to:
1. Implement strategies to create a supportive educational environment
2. Identify drawbacks to common educational approaches
3. Apply techniques for engaging the non-interested learner and assisting the struggling student


Speakers / Panelists