
Motivating PA Learners

October 20, 2023 from 10:00am ADT to 12:00pm ADT

Governor's Ballroom B


In this session, we will briefly touch on four evidence-based learning strategies that everyone can use to enhance their learning in PA school and in life-long learning.  (For those who were at the session last year, this will serve as a review.  For those who were not, this will serve as a brief introduction to these concepts.)  We will then build on this to describe factors that affect learner motivation, because motivation to learn also deepens retention and recall.  Learners who are motivated appreciate the intrinsic value of their learning as it applies to their practice, as opposed to learners who simply wish to do well on the next test and move on.  We will explore two frameworks of motivation, the ARCS model and the PACE model, to develop practical ways to optimize learning by addressing factors that affect motivation. 

Learning Objectives

  • Review four evidence-based learning strategies for retaining and recalling information
  • Describe the concepts of Motivation and Self-regulation, and how these relate to learner engagement
  • Apply strategies from the ARCS Model of motivation design to learning goals
  • Use the PACE Model to link learning to PA competencies and to life goals

Zoom Participation Link

Speakers / Panelists